Anyhow, here's a little rundown of what
I've been up to lately... exciting. I know.
1. Had a really great time this weekend at my
first ever photo show. Basically 20 people
were chosen to display and possibly sell a
photo of choice at a bar Downtown. I was
just happy to hang my photo so imagine my
excitement when it sold almost immediately!
A lucky (+ nice!) guy is now the owner of
this, except REAL. 8x8 was the photo size:

I took pictures of it hanging with my little
tag info but they came out too dark. I may
post them anyway.
2. Watched a silly yet entertaining movie...
Wanted with good looking people, I might add.
Like this fella. He's short but very handsome.
3. Excited to visit D.C. again and my bff... of
course we're going to a show...Built to Spill who've
I've seen many a time but are always so. damn. good.
I suppose that's about it...anything exciting on your side?