All Day I Dream About latest obsession,
Mad Men
unless you've been living under a rock,
then you probably know this is one of the
best shows on television right now. if you
haven't seen it, please do so. you're certain
to pick up a nasty smoking habit if you are
not currently on the nicotine.
i know.
i usually don't like getting outta bed
to start the work week, not sure anyone
does, but today wasn't so bad. i think
knowing that i get a whole day off on
thursday (with pay!) to cook and eat,
eat and cook helps. yes, a whole day.
i really enjoy waking up to feed the
chickens, also known as 'the girls'...
they are so weird. anyhow, they wake up
early and want to eat... a lot. they like
to talk and peck and run about all
bimbly. they sure are cute. and weird.

my favorite girl, hazel.)oh, and still no eggs.
also, i had posole for lunch today... yum.
(and you thought i couldn't be more random.)