today is rainy and grey... i SO wanted to stay in
bed this morning...
oh well.
i did have a SUPERB weekend, though.
on friday night, we stayed home, had dion's pizza
and introduced angus to
freaks and geeks and he
really enjoyed it!
saturday was a super busy day! we got to sleep
in, which was
awesome, then headed over to
amerasia for some delicious dim sum. this is my
favorite thing to eat there:

after that, we headed up to the heights for angus's first
soccer game of the season... they lost, but played well.
and after
that, we went to see
watchmen and it
THOROUGHLY.KICKED.ASS. many asses, actually.
i (of course) was crushing on almost all of the characters,
silk spectre II
and here's a photo of one of the coolest 10 yr.olds, halloween 2008:

he CLEARLY loves the comics like his pops... cu-ute!
on sunday, we cleaned the house like nobody's business.
it took me 4 hours to clean the the bathroom from top
to bottom. then another 3 hours to do the living room,
top to bottom. i felt bad for craig, he did the entire
kitchen by himself. now, we're not the dirtiest people
in the world, but apparently not the cleanest either.
what? i HATE cleaning almost as much as i hate folding
the white loads of laundry! too many damn socks!! oh, i
was ranting for a sec, forgive me.
after cleaning pretty much all day long, we had dinner here:

it was sooo good.
all of it!