celebrated by having lunch in Santa Fe
@ a favorite, Cafe Pasqual's. Anyone who's
ever been there knows there is ALWAYS a
wait, well worth it, and this Sunday was no
different. But, while we were waiting, I spotted
Hilary Swank! She was blonde and petite and
walking down the street, minding her own
business. It was actually really exciting!
She's a looker!
Another exciting thing coming up is the
Lambretta Scooter Rally, being hosted by my
Sweets and his friends. They have been working
so hard for months, but I think it's going to be
great fun and worth all the hard work. The guys will
also be in the paper on June 25th, I'll post a link or
something...In the meantime, here's a pic of the pinata,
not quite finished, that will be smashed to smithereens: