Friday, December 18, 2009

Julie & Julia

As someone who enjoys cooking and learning about
food and of course eating, I was thrilled to see two
great actresses in a great movie.

We've all seen  Julia Child cooking shows growing up,
but it was really nice to "see" her in her earlier years,
the relationship she shared with her husband and her
  naughty sense of humor that I had no idea she had.

The movie introduced me to the blog, the Julie/Julia Project
the inspiration for the movie... and it's some good, fun

and oh yeah, I want this.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

What's going on?!

not a lot, i tell you.

unless you count:

cheesballs and crackers

neti pots

hot apple cider

chocolate truffles

turkey day leftovers

bad tv

christmas tree decorating

sitting around looking at
said christmas tree