it's been quite a while since i've posted.
meaningful or not.
anyhoo, i miss the old blog so i thought i'd
drop the old gal a visit today. hi old gal!
life has been fine these last few months.
i have to say, not having a reliable camera
has been HELL. as i mentioned, we have a
loaner, but it requires batteries, ACTUAL
batteries, therefore weighing a damn ton
and making "spur of the moment" photos
a huge hassle. i feel like we are missing out
on photos of our pets being crazy/funny/cute/insane,
delicious meals grown, prepared and consumed,
me with my all natural brown hair, craig with out
his facial hair(he looks VERY handsome!), angus
almost as tall as me... all sorts of stuffz!
anyhoo, blah blah blah, until i have a camera
that doesn't weigh as much as a baby, enjoy
this pic taken with "the brick".