Yup, it's that time of year again. Already?!
Thanksgiving was nice this year... we hosted
a huge meal for about 12 of our friends and
2 dogs (4 dogs total, running in and out of the
house, barking and what not). It was actually
NOT as stressful as I anticipated. Craig and I
did all the shopping a few days prior and prepped
as much as possible beforehand. Sooo, on the
day of feasting, we got to sleep in a little then
get everything ready in a relaxed manner. And,
we got to have some adult concoctions whilst
doing so, laughing AND kissing the whole time.
Then, after everyone helped with the clean-up,
packed up their to-go plates and said their
goodbyes, I got to hit the sack early.
It was awesome.
bacon wrapped dates on my celery stalk plate... |
some of my best pals, cheesez.... |
Craig and our stalk of brussels sprouts... |
Little tiny Lea's huge plate of food... |
I was also gifted the most amazing bird house (that will never
make it outside because it's so incredible, I'm not letting ANY
bird shit all over it) by our dear friend Joffe. It really does deserve
it's own post, but here is a blurry pic of the inside...