" Hi everybody!"
Hope everyone had a nice weekend... I did.
Craig and I had dinner at Patio's on Friday
evening... enchiladas w/ beef and onion for
me. huevos rancheros for Sweets. We sat on
the patio and enjoyed the cool evening air
and we saw the judge from
the Wire... I was
going to take a pic 'cause I don't give a f*%k,
but Craig was having none of it. Next time.
On Saturday, the 2 of us slept in and then
headed outside to paint the chicken coop.
We were both hot and grumpy, but after a
little flirting and flashing of body parts, we
we're just fine. I'll post some pics of the coop
and the girls soon. They're doing really well
and they seem to like their new home, that makes
us all very happy. The only family member
who doesn't care for his new sisters is Bombay.

He just can't help himself. When he gets around
the chicks, first off he has to be held, and secondly
he shakes and tries to get free while making
his "
i'm gonna get you" grunts. No matter how
many times we tell him he'll always be our favorite
baby, he still tries to get him some chickens.
Sunday, Craig, Angus and I had breakfast at
Loyola's (so delish as always!), then headed
back home. With the heat and all the food we
had, the 4 of us had to lay down in the family
bed and rest a little. "Rest" with all 4 of us
usually consists of us holding Bombs and telling
him how sweet and precious he is. I know.
Later, Angus and I drove over to the westside to
meet up with my sister, nieces and nephew for
some swimming. Why the westside for swimming?
pool we like to go to is the only outdoor pool
that we know of w/ a diving board. Also, Craig
used to take tennis lessons there w/ his bro back
in the day.
Cu-ute! Then we watched a classic~
National Lampoon's Vacation as a family. And
we laughed. A lot. We've been trying to introduce
Angus to all sorts of 80's classics. He seems to enjoy
them, after the intial "80's? Yuck!" factor.

*Today is alright... hot as hell outside. I think
I'll head over to Sonic and get a cherry limeade
and enjoy the summertime indoors for the next few