you like how i incorporate music of the
day lyrics into the post title? yeah, it
means i got nothing. nothing, i tell you.
it's been hot. and that makes me grumpy.
i've gained like 5 lbs this week due to
eating, sitting, more eating and some
more sitting. i try to ride my awesome
bike as much as possible, but still. i fear
the late night bowls of ice cream and
cereal may have something to do with
it. needless to say, i will be refraining
from said late night snacks. for now.
on a sad note, one of the chicks is no
longer with us. craig and angus found
them wandering in the yard on saturday
morning and lina was no where to be
found. i like to believe she made it to
the south valley to live the wild life in
some trees or something. she was the
leader of the pack, and it seems as though
hazel has taken over that role now. we
still plan on getting a few more chicks,
hopefully soon...
got a little checke from the go'ment, think
i'll buy myself some skirts and tanks and
maybe some new sunglasses. one of my
current pairs (brown mad dogs,yo) has seen
better days. and i think a few new outfits
will inspire me to get out of my current
fashion funk. i'll let you know how that
turns out.
this evening i plan on enjoying the 1st
season of flight of the concords. i've
heard from numerous people how great
it is... looking forward to it. and their
cover and spread on bust a few issues
ago was hilarious. and i totally know
this is so last year, don't really care.
anyhoo, hope you are having a lovely
afternoon. i'm having some cold grapes
and listening to tupac right now. nice.
Discover Rilo Kiley!
I don't have shit to write about either. I'm so uninspired.
how was the benefit?? i moved/cleaned our old house for 4 hours that night and was DEAD tired.
Ah godpeed, young Lina. I hope she made it to a greener pasture.
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