Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Currently Reading

My friend Derek from Ireland sent
me this book, signed to me by the
author, about a month ago. He's a
really nice guy who works in his
familys Sweet Shop and we exchange
postcards monthly, although his
packages are always better - he's
sent us candy from the shop and
pics of his cat, Cujo.

Anyhow, I've been thumbing thru it, only because
I've been so busy and lazy, but I really got into last
night before bedtime. It's different from most books
I read, but I already like it and maybe you will too!

Another friend, Shana, was also given the book and
she and her husband recently went to a signing and
met John Connolly. He apparently was very friendly
and he rememberd Derek, when Shana brought him
up. I thought that was very cool.

Check this book out if you want something new and
exciting to read!

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