Oh, yeah, this blog is about ME! ME! ME! and mi vida.
The Sweetness in my life has been working so hard
in the yard, what with like 50 gardens and what not.
I love watching him work, he is so excited and devoted
to growing us delicious goodies like this:

I help a little when I can, but there's no denying,
he does all the grunt work. Love you baby!

On Saturday, we made some more cinnamon rolls and
I've been stuffing my face with them...
I. can't. help. myself.

Oh, yeah... have you seen 30 Days of Night?
It's pretty entertaining if you're into blood sucking,
crazy screeching vampiros. But, be prepared... Our hero
dies (burns, whatever...) in the end and it's sad!

Wednesday I'm meeting with some gals from Duke City Fix to
talk crafts and a possible craft show... looking forward to
that! I have all sorts of ideas and it'll be great discussing
things like glitter and coasters and knitting and art... things
that Craig is sweet enough to pretend to care about. Any ABQer's
free @ 6p, head over to N'tl Atomic Museum and join us!
It's my turn to cook dinner tonight, what should I make?
***Anonomys reader... why are you blocking your location and
IP address? This is an Equal Opportunity Blog, HOLLA!
Quit being so mysterio!
1 comment:
We're trying to get our garden going and tis a lot of work. I thought one just threw some seeds on the ground and then bam, a bunch of shit shows up. Live and learn.
Why you wanna be teasin' with the cinnamon rolls?
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