Friday, February 01, 2008

Happy Weekend!

Boy, do I love Fridays!

Here are a few things I'm looking forward to:

1. 'Weeds' tonight... I am in love with almost
all of the crazy characters.

2. Sleeping in... the sweet pug has kept me
up the last few nights with his human-like
snores and need to sleep between my legs,
as though I'm giving birth to him.

3. Develop my current roll of film on my
Holga, as I think/feel/hope there some
pretty good shots.

4. Although I don't really watch football,
I will endure the game to see Tom Brady
all sweaty and hot.

5. Along with the other superbowl goodies
like hotwings, hotdogs ( i LOVE hotdogs!)
and chile con carne, I will be making
homemade mac + cheese and I can't wait!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


AS Novus said...

I am so looking for a good homemade mac and cheese recipe!! SHARE!

andrea said...

oh yes. a list to beat all lists. me likies.