Monday, August 04, 2008


i've been taking a break from the blog,
a lot of life happening lately. hope all
of you are well, thanks for continuing
to stop in!

i'm going through an extremely difficult
time in my life, but i'm strong and i'm
going to be alright... i just know it!


Regardez Moi said...

oh, i hope you are ok. i'm going through some rough shit right now, too. and blogging helps me - and it's because of the feedback i get in my comments from people reading. i feel like i'm being supported. even though these people don't know me at all.

so here is some support and some hugs :)

Archer said...

I hope everything is ok. Come back soon.

Anonymous said...

Be strong and stay away from Bourbon! Much love-

AS Novus said...

Chin up. Thanks for the comment, it's nice to know that not everyone who reads my blog is a troll.

The crazy thing is that you really will be alright, I just know it too! I have always liked checking in here, it's refreshing.

Andrea said...

all of you, thanks so much for the encouraging words! everyday is a new day which means anything is possible! xo, dre